Except it is made of Wasa crackers. My son made it on Tuesday in Kindergarten. They brought extra candy home in a coffee cup lid. The house is built on a paper plate. They had so much fun doing that craft. I have seen it done with graham crackers but never with Wasa ones. My mom always bought those when I was a kid. They are hard. In the car on the way home Marvin said, "Mom, don't eat too much of the creamy, white, sticky stuff or you'll get a tummy ache." I guess that guy doesn't know what icing is. Figures. I asked him if he was speaking from experience or if another child in the class had done this. Nobody had, but they were warned and he for one heeded the warning. That kid has never over eaten in his life, he's like his dad. Even if you put down the most favorite thing ever they won't even touch it if they're not hungry. Wish I could listen to my body like that. My mom admitted she's a chocoholic to me this week. Funny because she never eats the stuff, although lately she has been drinking this chocolate tea she ordered from somewhere and is now making herself with Callebaut, yummmm. Anyway here's a photo Patrick took with his new phone, yes we have finally relented to buying a mobile phone. No, wait I didn't, he did, for business. I'm in on it too. It's very handy and now I can always track him down. Insert Laughtrack Here.
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