Happy Birthday Granny! happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you, and many more.....at least 3
My gran turned 97 yesterday and here's a 3 generation picture. I hope I am not that crabby when I'm old. We brought her a black forest cake from Safeway, thinking she could serve it to anyone who came over and she got pissed off because it was so huge. She cutherself a big slice and sent the rest of it home with us, along with 2 copies of the large print reader's digest from the subscription i got for her birthday last year. She complains about it all the time, it's an American version and there aren't as many jokes and they are not even funny ones. That gift was a dud. This year all she got was cake and carnations and a tiny pointsettia which apparently will be root bound shortly, in that little pot. We thought it was cute. Thank goodness we didn't bring marvin along with us. She was awfully grumpy. We played one game of crib while pat entertained the baby. I was NOT allowed to hold her. Apparently you cannot play cards and hold or nurse a baby at the same time. Her children, of course were potty trained at 6 months of age on the chamber pot in queensborough. I beat her in the game but it was close. I hope i don't live that long because i am tired already and i can't image being that old or crotchety. She's sharp as a tack though and we are enjoying our 40 kiwis. They're tiny and flavourful, perfect for cutting in half and scooping out with a spoon. The kids love 'em. She had a mantle full of beautiful birthday cards and was irritated by the two Christmas cards she had already received. She doesn't like to get them before her birthday. She had hard and stale pieces of bread all lined up by her door to feed her squirrel, one for each day of the coming week. They were spread with peanut butter. I think his name is Wilbur the 2nd. Lucky for us anastasia didn't notice them. She really does like anastasia and she kept getting little kisses from her. Pat took this picture with his phone. Her throat was sore from answering and talking on the phone all day. I am glad we went because we were the only ones who visited her on her 97th birthday.
Betty, Th8is is the funniest story..I love your grumpy auntie...I deal with my hubby's aunt, my FIL and long distance with my mum...none quite as crotchie as your granny but I see where you are coming from LOL! The sttory brought tears to my eyes...with laughter!
Thanks for sharing, no matter how grumpy, they have so much history, and without them we would not be here would we?
sorry...I meant your Granny not your Auntie!!
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