We are so out numbered by children now and tired but it's all {almost} good. These children are beautiful, healthy and intelligent teachers and very precious to us but they didn't come with instruction manuals so we are winging it. I had absolutely no idea how much of an adventure it is to have this size family. There are so many things I love about being an only child but now as a mother to more than one I get a chance to experience a family life where there is more love, more fighting, more fun, more frustration, and more laughs between mom and dad than ever. All my wildest dreams have come true because we have to buy 8 litres of milk when we shop! If I knew myself and I was myself as someone else I would think I was crazy and then go take a nap. Remember Mr. Roper saying, "Two girls, (with super wide eyes) You live with two girls?!",] as he smiles a big wide smile. Some days Pat walks around saying "Two girls, you have two girls!" eagerly attempting his often done Mr. Roper imitation. Remember everyone assumed Jack must be tired from trying to keep up with two women. Ok now this is sounding perverted but he doesn't mean it that way at all and it doesn't come off that way.
My name is Betty, Mommy to 5, blessed beyond my wildest dreams. I am a child of God and trying to remember that minute after minute. Also I sometimes work as a Radiology clerk and enjoy stamping up a storm when I have the chance or using needle n thread, paints, glue and scissors, yarn and paper.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Three's company...
We are so out numbered by children now and tired but it's all {almost} good. These children are beautiful, healthy and intelligent teachers and very precious to us but they didn't come with instruction manuals so we are winging it. I had absolutely no idea how much of an adventure it is to have this size family. There are so many things I love about being an only child but now as a mother to more than one I get a chance to experience a family life where there is more love, more fighting, more fun, more frustration, and more laughs between mom and dad than ever. All my wildest dreams have come true because we have to buy 8 litres of milk when we shop! If I knew myself and I was myself as someone else I would think I was crazy and then go take a nap. Remember Mr. Roper saying, "Two girls, (with super wide eyes) You live with two girls?!",] as he smiles a big wide smile. Some days Pat walks around saying "Two girls, you have two girls!" eagerly attempting his often done Mr. Roper imitation. Remember everyone assumed Jack must be tired from trying to keep up with two women. Ok now this is sounding perverted but he doesn't mean it that way at all and it doesn't come off that way.