*A*L*O*N*E* in the U.S.
Well almost! I rode with a good friend who was kind enough to pick me up and take me away from my children in the afternoon last Friday. She brought us south of the border where I have not been for quite some time. My passport had never been used until….TOFW gave me a really good reason to visit America. I love Seattle and the event was held at the Benaroya Hall which was lovely. Many times I have heard and read John Bytheway so it was a really pleasure see him and listen to him. He is a popular speaker and has warm humour that keeps your attention and keeps you smiling making his inspiring talks memorable. One book by him i particularly enjoyed was
Five Scriptures That Will Help You Get Through Almost Anything
The other speaker that was also fabulous! She was Mariama Kallon picture above as well. I had never heard of her or seen her before. She was dressed in a beautiful African outfit from head to toe! She spoke from the heart with conviction and an accent that reminded us how far she has come and she was so grounded and sincere. As a small girl and youth she saw so many atrocities that she could have chosen to be angry and bitter but she was not. She chose to have a good attitude and made us laugh and touched our hearts with her testimony. She was raised in Sierra Leone in Africa. 'Soon after witnessing the violent murders of parents and siblings and spending her youth fleeing from rebels, she was introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ and found hope in God and peace in a knowledge of eternal families. She was given a humanitarian kit by the Church which became a treasured symbol of hope that she used to bless the lives of many as they again fled for their lives. After returning to her town, she was called on a mission to the Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission, and wept in gratitude to the Lord as she visited the place where her precious humanitarian kit was made. Today Mariama stands as an example of the divine purposes of humanitarian work and tells her story to numerous audiences, urging them to participate in this work. She currently resides and works in Salt Lake City where she attended LDS Business College.'
There was also a wonderful singer who played piano and introduced the other speakers. His name was Michael McLean and I have enjoyed performances by him before. Toiletries were also collected to make Possibility Packs for a local women's shelter so it was fun to include service in the event as well. I was glad I could do a little something for women in such dire circumstances. Sometimes I feel as though I cannot do so much service even though I am serving my family and serving the Lord each and every day raising my children and trying to teach them to be good people and not kill each other before they are grown. I work diligently to show them how they can take responsibility for their choices and to learn to become independent of me and still rely on the Lord. I hope and pray they will look back on their childhood fondly and know all they need to to become happy and successful in their lives. I am learning a boat load in the process and didn't expect to be loved back so fully and just now have realized I am so important to them. Now they can tell and show me that and it gives me an inkling of how much our Heavenly Father and Saviour must love each of us.
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