Ella 4 months old! |
L-R-Asia 5, Santa ?, Ella-Jean 3 1/2 months, Avalina 2
Below-Marvin 9 |
smiles a while ago |
Anastasia in September |
I haven't had a chance to think about what I can change for 2011 except for... Try to have more patience with self and family. Try to be more understanding towards the children. Increase scripture study, don't eat a lot of corn dogs, stand up straight...O.K. maybe i have thought about it some...Things at our house are moving so fast and there is always so much to do and a shortage of time and energy for all of it but somehow we seem to laugh and smile through it all and get small bits of things done and find a little room for things we want to do as well as the things we should do. I love living in Queensborough and walking around here. Now that we are short a vehicle I haven't had a choice and while it sometimes gets tedious going back and forth to that school three times a day with two children in a stroller and a grumpy one that wants to be in a stroller, when it's dry I really enjoy it! especially when nobody is crying! This week we saw tons of ducks and a heron. It kind of makes my leg hurt but it also takes my mind off the pain in my shoulders and collar bone area. Thank goodness for tylenol/advil and the power of prayer right now! Marvin is working hard to keep from getting detentions for blurting out and laughing and such and is making some progress. He is back to
Cubs this week and starting an all boys gymnastics class today! Thank-you Canadian Tire and the
Jumpstart program! Anastasia is always carrying her baby sister and just cannot leave her alone! She's enjoying Kindergarten so much I wish she was in the full day program. She has really come out of her shell going to school! She is pestering me to let her wear make up (yes at 5 years old!), to bake with her, teach her sewing and watch more
ICarly. She continues to love painting and drawing and is always sketching dresses and accessories. Avalina is such a chatterbox! She constantly talking and asking questions and is so funny! Ella-Jean is a happy baby when her gums are not bothering her and when other people are not waking her up! She's realizing that she has hands and laughs with a deep voice. She's sleeping more at night but Avalina is still waking up so that is hard for me. Sleep deprivation makes me so scattered and forgetful and I can get overwhelmed and discouraged more easily but I am hanging in there. I really miss my coworkers at the hospital and being there but I also really like being home with my children. I can teach them so much more about important things this way too! There's lots more to report but i have to sleep now before someone else wakes up!
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