Wow time flies when you are having fun! My daughter Avalina is smiling and cooing and so responsive to our voices now. She's also swiping and grabbing and biting. I think she is an early teether! There is drool galore and all the other signs too. How exciting! Anastasia will be turning three years old shortly and is becoming more and more of a high maintenance gal. She loves the playground and trying to push her brother's buttons. I think this two bedroom apartment is getting way too small for our growing family! Those children really need an outside to play in and their own rooms. Every time I get busy with baby they are fighting like cats and dogs. Marvin's hair is getting really long because he refuses to get a haircut and I choose my battles. It looks kind of cute actually and I am sure it drives certain mothers crazy . He signed up for the summer reading program and started helping his dad at work on Fridays. It's a great experience for him. My mom turned 65 and wants to retire. Pat's dad just turned 69 and moved in with Uncle Rudy.
My name is Betty, Mommy to 5, blessed beyond my wildest dreams. I am a child of God and trying to remember that minute after minute. Also I sometimes work as a Radiology clerk and enjoy stamping up a storm when I have the chance or using needle n thread, paints, glue and scissors, yarn and paper.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Avalina is almost 4 months old now!
Wow time flies when you are having fun! My daughter Avalina is smiling and cooing and so responsive to our voices now. She's also swiping and grabbing and biting. I think she is an early teether! There is drool galore and all the other signs too. How exciting! Anastasia will be turning three years old shortly and is becoming more and more of a high maintenance gal. She loves the playground and trying to push her brother's buttons. I think this two bedroom apartment is getting way too small for our growing family! Those children really need an outside to play in and their own rooms. Every time I get busy with baby they are fighting like cats and dogs. Marvin's hair is getting really long because he refuses to get a haircut and I choose my battles. It looks kind of cute actually and I am sure it drives certain mothers crazy . He signed up for the summer reading program and started helping his dad at work on Fridays. It's a great experience for him. My mom turned 65 and wants to retire. Pat's dad just turned 69 and moved in with Uncle Rudy.