You can check out my niece Aimee's new website if you have a penchant for horses or black guys or just want to slag linsey lohan. It was fun to be THIRTEEN was it not?! Life was good. It was 1983. There wasn't too much responsibility. Just had to do a few dishes, babysit a little (I can't believe those people trusted ME with their children), hang out with friends, drive your mother absolutely crazy, ride bikes, think about and be terrified of boys, learn about make up, get interested in movies, and books. I had lots of fun as a beehive in the young women's programme and loved going to the temple. I always made time to write in my journal. I think I even had a fiction one. I learned how to set goals and really achieve them. I started to wear nylons to church and was kind of embarassed about it. The bra thing and ovulation happen way before that I think. I remember really fun times with Seminary, Sloppy Joes and baking cinnamon buns at the church but we 4got the cinnamon. I could never keep my room clean. That was the last thing I wanted to spend time doing. I liked cutting up magazines and sewing and reading Sweet Valley High books. I too liked horses but didn't have too much opportunity to be around them. When I did it was the best even if your butt or legs hurt from all that riding and using those muscles that were so rarely exercised. We had an Atari game. I liked Space Invaders. I started watching All My Children and still haven't stopped. That's not true I am an off and on viewer. Hard to find the time. I liked Little House on the Praire and Stoned Wheat Thins. The only thing my mom could get me to make in the kitchen was Orange Juice from Frozen Concentrate and I had to use the blender! You know the one you take out of the can and add three cups of water, Minute Maid, takes a genius to make. I still didn't know there was anything to listen to besides country music and Elvis. Everyone in my class laughed at me because I didn't know the song 'Jack and Diane' by John Cougar Mellancamp. There were sock hops and intermural sports at school. I liked the floor hockey at lunch time. I worked as a patrol person at the intersections before and after school plus at lunch time. We got to wear a hard hat and a bright orange vest and carry a B I G flag that said S T O P ! Cool, huh. I had dark rimmed glasses and short hair. My mom was very patient with me. I was pretty annoying at that age. www.lovey-dovey101.piczo.com for more about Aimee and you can enjoy this photo of her with my chubby little baby in her diaper only. Guess who just changed her diaper. You got it-Aimeegirl.
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