My name is Betty, Mommy to 5, blessed beyond my wildest dreams. I am a child of God and trying to remember that minute after minute. Also I sometimes work as a Radiology clerk and enjoy stamping up a storm when I have the chance or using needle n thread, paints, glue and scissors, yarn and paper.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Things change in the blink of an eye...
On December 9th I destroyed our car while bringing Ella for her three month check up. She had it in the trauma bay at Royal Columbian instead. As I was coming off Highway 1, getting on to the Number 7 my car started sliding on the United Blvd overpass. Before I knew it I lost control and slammed into an oncoming semi truck. Luckily my car was equipt with seat belts, air bags and the like. As I looked around the vehicle for my glasses and realized what had occurred my thoughts only went to my baby's safety. Out the window through the dust and debris I could see the front of the huge truck and nothing else. I could not get the door open and realized my foot was still jammed on the brakes. I called for help for my baby and myself and fortunately a nearby construction worker came running to my aid and was able to pull open our doors and cut the seat belt holding my dear baby's car seat in the middle in the back. A nursing student stopped to help and checked over the baby who was crying and still amazingly had her binky in her mouth. more to follow....
2010 is coming to a close...
Everyone is getting so big so quickly!
There's hair on Marvin's legs. He's interested in developing and bearing his testimony. Having some trouble not getting detentions, good thing Cherry likes him so well.
Anastasia is reading small words. Who would have know she would love kindergarten?
Avalina is saying her own prayers. She never stops talking and is still breaking things. Her honesty when she gets into mischief always amazes me. She unabashedly announces, "It was me!"
She looks and acts so much like Betty-Ann when she was a girl.
Ella is grabbing on to things and smiling and lifting her head and Daddy got some chuckles.
Pat is still working like a dog as the best janitor in Whiterock and finding energy to spend time with the children and small moments with myself.
Grandma David turned 101 a few weeks ago and is residing at Kiwanis Care Center. It is so much better than Carlton Gardens. If she cannot be in her little house at least now she is close by and somewhere pleasant that doesn't always smell like pee. Most times she seems to know us but she's often cranky. I hope i do not live as long as her because i am already tired. Wish I could make her smile and laugh as easily as she used to. She is much quieter now that my dad is gone. I don't think it's nice to outlive your children.
My mom is plugging along as best she can and has been giving herself the blood transfusions at home for one year now. She is still volunteering at the Family History Library and working with Victim Services at NWPD. She is an inspiration to me constantly and I do hope in some ways I become my mother.
Lalaine is still with us but helps Patrick clean during the week and hides out at my mil's on the weekends.
Lolo is done with the chemo and radiation therapies which seem to have significantly shrunk the tumor. He says the Lord has healed him but we all know it will inevitably return in time. For now he can see and hear and eat with his mouth and try to enjoy his children and grandchildren with a better quality of life than before the therapy. God Bless him. He needs our prayers and so do his children.
I know God loves us and wants us to be happy. He provides so many tender mercies to bless us through our trials on this earth. Jesus Christ lives and loves us too. I am very grateful for my knowledge of the gospel and happy to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. I hope many of you have had a chance to feel of his love.
Merry Christmas!
There's hair on Marvin's legs. He's interested in developing and bearing his testimony. Having some trouble not getting detentions, good thing Cherry likes him so well.
Anastasia is reading small words. Who would have know she would love kindergarten?
Avalina is saying her own prayers. She never stops talking and is still breaking things. Her honesty when she gets into mischief always amazes me. She unabashedly announces, "It was me!"
She looks and acts so much like Betty-Ann when she was a girl.
Ella is grabbing on to things and smiling and lifting her head and Daddy got some chuckles.
Pat is still working like a dog as the best janitor in Whiterock and finding energy to spend time with the children and small moments with myself.
Grandma David turned 101 a few weeks ago and is residing at Kiwanis Care Center. It is so much better than Carlton Gardens. If she cannot be in her little house at least now she is close by and somewhere pleasant that doesn't always smell like pee. Most times she seems to know us but she's often cranky. I hope i do not live as long as her because i am already tired. Wish I could make her smile and laugh as easily as she used to. She is much quieter now that my dad is gone. I don't think it's nice to outlive your children.
My mom is plugging along as best she can and has been giving herself the blood transfusions at home for one year now. She is still volunteering at the Family History Library and working with Victim Services at NWPD. She is an inspiration to me constantly and I do hope in some ways I become my mother.
Lalaine is still with us but helps Patrick clean during the week and hides out at my mil's on the weekends.
Lolo is done with the chemo and radiation therapies which seem to have significantly shrunk the tumor. He says the Lord has healed him but we all know it will inevitably return in time. For now he can see and hear and eat with his mouth and try to enjoy his children and grandchildren with a better quality of life than before the therapy. God Bless him. He needs our prayers and so do his children.
I know God loves us and wants us to be happy. He provides so many tender mercies to bless us through our trials on this earth. Jesus Christ lives and loves us too. I am very grateful for my knowledge of the gospel and happy to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. I hope many of you have had a chance to feel of his love.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Christmas Love
Rememberance Day |
one of Ella-Jean's first smiles |
Avalina is so much like i was as a little girl |
Moody but Marvelous Marvin |
Everybody loves their Auntie Jessie |
gotta get those teeth fixed |
anastasia loves her new sister and is getting used to her glasses but loves kindergarten |
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
BABY is sleeping through the night!
Unbelievable! None of my other children did that at 9.5 weeks old. Ella-Jean is a wonderful addition to our family! We are so blessed and love her so much!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Friday, September 03, 2010
Loaves and Fishes
September is here already! Asia is starting kindergarten and my son will be in grade four! I will be walking to the school with a two year old and a new baby three times a day! If that doesn't help get some baby weight off I don't know what else will. It will be challenging but I am looking forward to it and trying to clear my plate of everything else until I can get into some kind of routine. The gradual entry program at our local school seems way too gradual for me but perhaps it will be a good thing if we don't even get there until the third week when the full days start. It seems like a minute ago it was only half way through summer! I have been feeling so fortunate to be home on maternity leave early and spend so much time with my three healthy, happy, energetic, sometimes annoying, exhausting, beautiful children! As I anticipate the birth of our fourth and final child I find myself desperately trying to get as much done as possible before we are all consumed by sleep deprivation and the wonder of a newborn baby. Some would call it nesting but that seems a little out of reach. I am almost packed to go to the hospital when it's time but so far the baby only has a hat and a blanket to go home in. Also a clean with the cover and canopy repaired carseat thanks to my mom. Finally today I was able to find my zero to three months clothes! Marvin helped me get down into the storage unit and find the right bin. I have been busy cleaning out the girls drawers, taking all the clothes that are too small out and packing them away for whoever they will fit next. I will be in big trouble or buying a lot of boxes of blue dye if this baby turns out to be a boy. Also I we have been getting all my son's warm clothes and school supplies ready, organized and labelled or repaired. Whew what a relieve! I kept imagining being in labour and Marvin going to school with ripped jeans and only a backpack and a pencil in hand on the first day. Patrick reminded me that he was perfectly capable of purchasing them and spent all day Monday running from store to store gathering what he needed and getting tons of groceries in case we wouldn't have a chance later. Also he has been baking banana and zucchini breads like a fiend and putting it in the freezer. The children say it's his new hobby and he can barely keep up with them wolfing it down baking and baking and baking. I wish I had the energy to do that! Yesterday he went to Steveston and got 5 huge salmons and spent the evening beheading and gutting and filleting and chopping them so we'll have a freezer full of fish to eat. So that is what we will be eating once the baby comes I guess, loaves and fishes.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Hello neglected blog! I'm in my 33 week now and am trying to get some rest this week while Asia has clown camp and Marvin is at the New Westminster Police Soccer camp but it's not really working. We have been spending lots of time worrying about dad and waiting for more information. A large tumour has been found behind his nose and is pressing on the nerves in his face causing all the eye pain he has been having. I thought if I wasn't working I would not be at the hospital so much. I am glad he is in good hands and we have been saying lots of prayers for him at home and on the road and with him. I am so glad it's not already in his brain so he can still function fairly normally and enjoy some family time. Anastasia has a big Clowning Around show tomorrow and is enjoying learning to juggle and balance with a pretty umbrella and ride a unicycle! Marvin's last day of soccer camp will be tomorrow too and hopefully it will be another lovely day. Today the firemen were bringing their hoses to spray the children down but it's not that sunny unfortunately. I am sure they will have fun anyway! The location of the camps are conveniently located by Amma's house in Queen's Park and it's so nice there! We enjoyed picking some raspberries on the weekend and the Fraser fest fireworks! It was nice to take the children down the road in their p.j.s since the majority of viewers were on the other side of the river at the Quay. Avalina wasn't so scared this time. I am off to try and get a nap before I lose my chance. I'm sticking to bread, applesauce and rice fighting off a bit of food poisoning from the chicken we waited too long to cook last night. I won't listen next time my husband tells me if it's marinated it can hang out in the fridge longer. What was I thinking, must have been tired...
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Avalina is TWO!
I can't believe Avalina is two years old. Where did the time go? She loves to see the ducks in Queensborough and laugh and point. As soon as anyone puts on their shoes at our house I hear, "Where's my shoes?" and "Where's my jacket?" repeatedly even after said shoes and coat are on her body. Although she has a super sweet personality she can be demanding at times too. Her favorites are her Sock Monkey Book, her Knuffle Bunny, Dora pajamas, and playing with trains or babies. She is certainly different from the rest in so many ways. I hope she stays this sweet and that the terrible two's are not too difficult for her. She is full words and beans on most days and spends a lot of time singing and talking to no one in particular. She still seems so small to me until she wants to be carried, then she seems heavy! Our 4th baby is on the way so i am looking forward to being home with Avalina and the new one since Asia will be starting school in September. I think I forgot how challenging it is to be pregnant. I am not so far along right now but I know what is coming. I have often wondered if having children in my 20's would really have been any easier. I am thinking physically because during that time of my life i did have so much more energy and was able to stay up late at night and just keep going, working like a fiend and when i am feeling especially sleep deprived it makes me wonder about that....
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!
I can't believe I am forty. It's very exciting. My birthday was Monday March 15th. I was lucky enough to be spoiled pretty much all weekend by my husband. He took me for dinner and a play and then for a walk and a hot beverage with a pedicure and facial before hand on Saturday. Lalaine was kind enough to care for the children and have them asleep in their beds when we came home even though she hasn't been feeling her best lately and on her day off too. I was totally wiped out after that day and evening being 15 weeks pregnant and still fighting off the nausea. On Sunday he let me sleep in and made waffles for breakfast! Even though I wanted so much to go to church I stayed home and enjoyed my breakfast and family's company. I feel so fortunate. He's not perfect and I growl at him sometimes when I find dirty underwear on the floor and that kind of thing, he certainly is good to me! On my actual birthday my son had an extra day off school and i took the day off work. I also totally forgot to bring Asia to preschool or even call them! How rude. I told the children they had to do everything i said because it was my birthday. Then I asked them to make their beds, something they have to do anyway and much earlier in the day normally. My eight year old said I was taking advantage of my birthday and going a bit too far. You think I would have asked him to scrub the walls, floors and clean the toilets! He did do a beautiful job of it and later watched his little sisters so I could have a 'birthday nap'. Anastasia made me some pictures and glued some of her favourite recent creations to lined paper and stapled it together to make a book and gave me that! It's beautiful.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Welcome 2010 Winter Olympics

It's finally here! The much anticipated Winter Games! Surrounded by controversy and excitement our city and surround areas is about to be turned upside down. There's a buzz around town and it's furthered by the various appearance of the torch in the communities this week. The Olympic torch came by the local school and right down our street on Tuesday and we are definitely off the beaten path in my opinion. My coworkers have been decorating the work place and started wearing red and white and getting very interested in the goings on around town. There have been so many new additions to our city in anticipation of this event. I hope we get a sudden cold snap and snow storm because it's pretty green around here and the snow on the mountains is melting fast!
New Year, new job, new baby coming, been so busy, have no chance to blog!
There was a previous post I put in early January but I am still getting used to a mac and i deleted it by mistake.
My 8 year old has started cub scouts and is really enjoying it. Soccer didn't work out much to Dad's dismay but maybe Baseball will work better! He is still reading up a storm! My middle child has started at a local montessori preschool and is still adjusting to that! She is enjoying it but is not as enthusiastic as i had hoped. Our youngest is still so sweet and finally off the boob! I breastfed her the best food for 22 months and now that i am pregnant it's not only uncomfortable but I really need to sleep through the night. I just hope she will stop getting up so early! She wants to be just like her big sister and loves to get a hold of a pen or wear a tutu all day long. Our Daddy is still working as hard as ever cleaning those buildings in Whiterock. He's got some help with his cousin Gina so he can get home earlier now. I am still struggling with my new position having never before had a shift where you have to get a set amount of work done that fluctuates daily. I am so used to multitasking and dealing with things as they come adjusting my speed when necessary. It is hard for me to focus on one task at a time while still dropping everything at a moments notice to add something new. I am glad i will not be working until midnight through another pregnancy but I miss my old job, old coworkers and being so proficient and valuable like before. I work alone for 1/2 my shift and that is kind of nice. The job is tedious and i feel like i am not really using my brain. I am really struggling with morning sickness this time. Big Time!
There was a previous post I put in early January but I am still getting used to a mac and i deleted it by mistake.
My 8 year old has started cub scouts and is really enjoying it. Soccer didn't work out much to Dad's dismay but maybe Baseball will work better! He is still reading up a storm! My middle child has started at a local montessori preschool and is still adjusting to that! She is enjoying it but is not as enthusiastic as i had hoped. Our youngest is still so sweet and finally off the boob! I breastfed her the best food for 22 months and now that i am pregnant it's not only uncomfortable but I really need to sleep through the night. I just hope she will stop getting up so early! She wants to be just like her big sister and loves to get a hold of a pen or wear a tutu all day long. Our Daddy is still working as hard as ever cleaning those buildings in Whiterock. He's got some help with his cousin Gina so he can get home earlier now. I am still struggling with my new position having never before had a shift where you have to get a set amount of work done that fluctuates daily. I am so used to multitasking and dealing with things as they come adjusting my speed when necessary. It is hard for me to focus on one task at a time while still dropping everything at a moments notice to add something new. I am glad i will not be working until midnight through another pregnancy but I miss my old job, old coworkers and being so proficient and valuable like before. I work alone for 1/2 my shift and that is kind of nice. The job is tedious and i feel like i am not really using my brain. I am really struggling with morning sickness this time. Big Time!
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