Monday, May 21, 2012

Holly Hobbie Children's Oven

Did anyone have an easy bake oven as a child? Mine was a Holly Hobbie one as pictured here! I was VERY excited to receive such a gift. Little did I know it was powered by a light bulb! I was under strict instructions to only use it when supervised by an adult. I do not remember using it the first time. I do know that my mother did not approve of the mixes made for it since they were full of unnatural ingredients, chemicals and sugar. I cannot for the life of me remember who gave it to me but I'm sure they got into some trouble. My mom didn't have the energy to help me use it as much as I liked. I think I wanted to have all my meals made with it. The packaged mixes were also too expensive for us to get. As a single parent my mother didn't have a lot of time to be hunting around for those or do much baking anyway. Thus, it was soon turned into a Holly Hobbie Food Dryer, great for making beet chips, dried apples, carrot chips, banana chips and the like. It took days to dry fruits and vegetable.  I had a Holly Hobbie doll similar to the one pictured above. My mom doesn't recall much but she thinks she may have gotten it for me and that I saw it on a television commercial and she finally broke down and relented to get it for me. Did you have anything similar to this when you were a child? Memory is a strange thing. I completely forgot all about this until someone gave my daughter an Easy Bake oven.


Anonymous said...

My sister had one of these ....It is in the attic at my parents house. It has to be over 35 years old now.....

Anonymous said...

I was just posted a status on fb that I bought my daughter an Easy-Bake oven and how much cooler they look now. They also don't use light bulbs like they used to. I had a Holly Hobbie oven like this one and I LOVED it!!!